Dignity and Equality
Women in Sacramental Ministry
Women in the Roman Catholic Church are excluded from all ordained ministries and experience incredible resistance when attempting to claim their equality and dignity. Nevertheless, women have never stopped demanding admission to all sacramental ministries.
In recent years, discourse, initiatives, conferences, and publications around this issue have increased significantly, adding great urgency to the growing calls for women's sacramental ministries.
Around the world women are calling out discriminatory traditions and misogynistic teachings, language, structures, and practices that are used to exclude women and further exploit and abuse their charisms and vocations
Women expect answers and visible signs from the Synod that the Church is committed to implement their votes and their rights. Women therefore demand an end to the Vatican's delaying tactics and insist that the Church must recognises their vocations to sacramental ministry.​

Worldwide Action & Events
Numerous groups and many women around the world do not want to accept the Pope's harsh "no" or the exclusion of issues relevant to women so they are launching initiatives and campaigns to give women a voice.