Dignity and Equality
Our Story
Founded in 2019, the Catholic Women’s Council (CWC) is a global network of Roman Catholic organizations and movements working for the recognition of women's full dignity and equality in the Church. CWC respects and encourages the diversity of opinion, thought, language, and approach of our members working together to realize our shared vision of equality and dignity.
While CWC does not endorse individual groups or positions, it endeavours to bring women together in a spirit of informed, courageous, and inclusive dialogue so that we might collectively discern the call of the Holy Spirit and the needs of the Church today.
Voices from founding members:
Catholic Women’s Council became a global movement of Catholic women in March 2021 when women from different parts of the world formed an Executive committee to carry forward their vision for women’s full equality in the Church. It was exciting to realise that despite the global lockdown we had the opportunity to get Catholic women together from across the globe to raise a common voice for women’s full inclusion in the leadership of the Catholic Church. (Virginia Saldhana, founding member India)
“Catholic Women’s Council grew out of a prophetic vision that when Catholic women from around the world join together, they can effectively address the most pressing issues women face in the local, diocesan and global church. Within this visionary model, Catholic women have sought to listen deeply, learn from one another, organize, and offer witness to the many ways Church leadership, ministry, teaching offices, and governance are enlivened by the Spirit led gifts and faith of Catholic women.” (Deborah Rose, Future Church)
Women from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain joined this initiative to make our voices heard. Guided by the Ruah of the God of Life, we were weaving networks in these latitudes so often forgotten. We were united by the desire to contribute to the CWC so that, together with so many women from around the world, we could show that the incorporation of women in the Church, with full voice and vote in decision-making, is a matter of justice, not charity. We trust in change. We are the change. (Caroline del Rio, Mujeres e Iglesia Chile)
The Executive Committee organises events and projects on an international level in different languages groups and regions. All Committee members work on a voluntary basis, to provide for and assist member groups.
If you want to contact a specific person in your language group or in your region, please write to us at:
CONTACT: info@catholicwomenscouncil.org
We will transfer your message to your language group or the member representing your region.