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Violencia contra las mujeres en la Iglesia

El tema de la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas es universal. La Iglesia católica, con su estructura patriarcal y jerárquica, no es una excepción.


A pesar de los numerosos informes y peticiones de mujeres afectadas enviados al Sínodo, en el documento final no se mencionó la violencia generalizada contra ellas.


Este fracaso deliberado del Sínodo tiene su origen en la cultura de sexismo, machismo y narcisismo extendida entre sacerdotes, obispos y feligreses varones. Para ellos, privilegiar sus propios intereses, su privilegio y su poder es primordial.


Por lo tanto, el CWC cree que es importante llamar la atención sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en la iglesia y mostrar cómo ésta se perpetúa en la sociedad a través de estereotipos de género y de una antropología binaria.


En particular, el clero católico desempeña un papel desproporcionado en la formulación de políticas lo cual, con demasiada frecuencia, se traduce en el bloqueo de las protecciones legales para las mujeres, incluido el derecho a su autodeterminación sexual, su libertad reproductiva y su autonomía. Se refuerza el dominio y el control de los hombres sobre las mujeres y sus cuerpos.


Esta es la razón por la que el CWC y numerosas organizaciones miembros participan una vez más este año en la campaña mundial de la ONU 16 Días contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres y las Niñas.

CWC Network Events: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.


Gewalt gegen Frauen stoppen: KDFB fordert entschlossenes Handeln

Gewalt gegen Frauen ist neben dem individuellen Schicksal ein gesamtgesellschaftliches Problem, das wir alle gemeinsam bekämpfen müssen“

25N Demonstrations in Spain (4).jpeg

25N en España

Killing is the last of a long list of violence that women suffer from Ciudad Juarez to New York, from Kabul to Paris. We, the Catholic women, joined the 25N demonstrations all over the world to ask (praying and acting) for a world without violence against women.


Support Centre (Germany)

Support Centre for everybody who has experienced violence within the Church as adult.
Do you wish to be accompanied by someone who understands you?
Have you experienced or are still experiencing sexualized assaults at the hand of Church staff?
Have you experienced or been affected by spiritual, emotional or mental abuse or by abuse of power?

Human Rights Day South Africa - Nontando

25N en España

Theme: Human Rights and Gender Justice
Dec 10, 2024
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 (South Africa)

Speaker: Dr Nontando Hadebe

IMPRI-Impact and Policy Research Institu

Online Policy Learning (India)

LPPYF Law and Public Policy Youth Fellowship- Cohort 4.0 Winter’24 – Theme: Inclusivity in Peace and Conflict Resolution: Rethinking Policy, Advocacy and Implementation.
An 3-month Immersive Online Law and Public Policy Awareness Certificate Training Course and Internship Program. 
Nov 2024 – Jan 2025 IMPRI #WebPolicyLearning

Comite de la Jupe.png

#NousTouts (France)

French Catholics join women's groups in France and across the sea under the slogan #NousTouts to say NO to femicide and sexual violence.


The map of demonstrations listing the more than 50 events (co-)organised by #NousToutes committees is online. And to help you get people to come along, we've put together some visuals for you to display and distribute around you, as well as a playlist and placards for the big day!

Materiales para trabajar el tema

Abstract Background

Equal dignity - equal rights for all women worldwideThe Catholic Church violates women's rights because she does not recognise that women are equal in dignity and rights.

Abstract Background

WATAC Presents Behind Stained Glass Door: Domestic Violence and the Australian Church 

Abstract Background
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Spiritual self-determination" is neither easy to describe nor easy to learn. The aim of this manuel is to encourage women to live a spiritually self-determined life. Women find the courage to speak publicly about "spiritual abuse". (German)

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La guerra contra las mujeres

Documentation: Rita Laura Segato

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A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence Booklet, (English,Filipino, Chinese) by the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, Australia

Abstract Background

The sexual abuse of women religious by clergy is a virulent problem all over the world.

Abstract Background
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Abuse of adult women in the Catholic Church Online Tutorial (German language). Carefully researched lessons provide you with knowledge about the background, extent, causes, consequences and manifestations of abuse. You will find out what options for action are available, how those affected can be supported and you will gain an insight into current developments.

Videos/ Webinars/ Entrevistas

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Sr Scholastica Banik

Interview with Sr Scholastica Banik, MFIC, of Wewak, (Papua New Guinea): A safe house for abused women.

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Vanessa Sánchez Vizcarra

Violencia de género contra las mujeres: estadísticas y reflexiones

Webinar: 23.11.23

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Virginia Saldanha

'Violence to Women in Church and Society', by

Virginia Saldanha

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Osservatorio interreligioso sulle violenze contro le donne, Donne per la chiesa

Voci da Concilia gli abusi nella chiesa

Webinare 12.04.2024

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Patrizia Morgante

'Violenza sulle donne nella Chiesa e nella società', by Patrizia Morgante

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​Women Liberation Kummi dance

South India: Awareness video on violence to women. Tamil poet, Maha Kavi Subramania Bharati's Women Liberation Song, set to dance, along with English translation.

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Sofía Chipana Quispe

'Las violencias coloniales y patriarcales en Abya Yala', by Sofía Chipana

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Voice of Change

Voice of Change: 16 Day - 16 Films

Each day one film till 10 December,

Filmmakers from Australia, UK, USA, Mexico,Italy, Germany, France

Libros y comunicados de prensa

Ich atme Hoffnung

Ich atme Hoffnung.jpg

Psalmen jenseits von Gewalt und Missbrauch, Sophia Weixler

Erzählen als Widerstand

Erzählen als Widerstand.png

In den letzten Jahren haben Menschen zunehmend den Mut gefunden, öffentlich über Missbrauch zu sprechen.
23 Frauen berichten in diesem Buch von Missbrauch, den sie als Erwachsene im Raum der Kirche erfahren haben.

Maria 2.0

Press Statement

Equal dignity - equal rights for all women worldwide:
75 years  Declaration of Human Rights

©2024  Consejo de Mujeres Católicas

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