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Do., 03. Okt.



The Sanctuary

The Young CWC Group will be in Rome to create a Sanctuary or Temple of Listening, an immersive space to listen, pray with, and be transformed by the testimonies of women in the church.

The Sanctuary
The Sanctuary

Zeit & Ort

03. Okt. 2024, 13:30 – 21:00 MESZ

Roma, Via della Lungara, 19, 00165 Roma RM, Italy

Über die Veranstaltung


In the first week of October the Young CWC Group will be in Rome for the start of the synodal

conference. We will host our own event on the 3rd of October. We aim to create a

Sanctuary or Temple of Listening, an immersive space to listen, pray with, and be transformed by the

testimonies of women in the church. Inspired by the biblical call used by synod architects to

“enlarge the space of your tent,” we will create a “tent-like” space to present women’s stories

in artistic, diverse, and multimedia formats. Through videos, recordings, storytelling, artwork,

prayer, and audio elements, we will celebrate the stories of women who are the pastoral

backbone of the church, yet are denied their equal place in church leadership and structures.


We invite CWC members from all over the world to bring stories, quotes, and artistic elementsto express a contextualised portrait of women in their regions. Those contemporary storieswill be linked to our ancestors in faith, referencing the many women throughout churchhistory, scripture, and saints who have modeled courage and perseverance in the face ofpatriarchy. Our goal is to demonstrate the long legacy of women in ministry that continuestoday.

The Sanctuary

CWC will build 6 altars. Within the altars, we will put the collected stories of the contemporarywomen. Stories should be in line with the story of one of the Matrons.

  1. Phoebe: Women's Diaconate
  2. Junia (and Andronicus): Women's apostolic work, women denied their role in the Church's history until today, the apostolic work of lay individuals and couples.
  3. Women of the Roman Church (Priscilla, Mary, Junia, Tryphaena and Tryphosa, Persis and Rufus' mother): Women and men co-creating the church as equal, women working for their local parish churches and spreading the Gospel.
  4. Thecla: Survivors of sexual abuse int he Church, sexual violence and domestic violence, female pastoral workers, women who desire to preach.
  5. Samaritan Woman: Her voice matters to Jesus, interreligious dialogue, itnercultural dialogue, peacemakers, women with a complicated relationship and family status.
  6. Mary of Magdala: Women who taught me/you the faith, diverse ministries of women, women who are shamed with the purpose of diminishing their authority and influence.

How to Contribute:

You can send stories in various formats such as videos (up to ~3 minutes), sound recordings (up to ~ 3 minutes), text (maximum one page), graphics (1-3 pages) picture or painting ( maximum 40cm x 40cm), collage (max. 40cm x 40cm). Please ensure the pictures, graphics and photographs are in a good quality for printing. 


  • e.g. artwork: This painting was inspired by the matron or shows the matron.
  • e.g. video: A woman telling her story, who had to face similar difficulties in life as the matron. Or a woman describing why this matron has inspired her to strive for equal rights in the church.
  • e.g. audio: A song that tells the story of a woman which is similar to the matron's story.
  • e.g. prayer: A prayer dedicated to one of the matrons. This can be in the local language. A translation in English must be added. 

Send your art/stories to before 30th September, 2024.

If the file-size of yoru contribution is too big for email, please use WeTransfer to send the files. Do not hesitate to contact us on the abovementioned email addres if you have any questions, need support, or want to share any other thoughts. 

When in Rome...

Join us on 3rd October, 2024 and experience the Sanctuary at Casa Internazionale delleDonne (Via della Lungara 19, 00165 Roma). 

13:00 Opening of the Sanctuary with a Liturgy

14:00: The Sanctuary is open

19:00 - 21:00: Reception

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